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Human Body Quiz
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#1. How many breath does the average person take each day?
#2. How does your foot fall asleep?
#3. The most common eye colour in the world is……………
#4. The cerebellum is a part of your brain located at the back of the head. Without it you wouldn’t be able to ………
#5. If you’re right-handed, the fingernails on your right hand grow faster. True or false?
#6. If your digestive tract were stretched out, how long it would be?
#7. When you sneeze, how fast does your air rush out of your nose?
#9. About how many hairs do most people lose every day?
#10. Human body contains enough iron to make which household product?
#11. Your funny bone isn’t really a bone. True or false?
#12. How many muscles do you use when you talk?
#13. Your heart is the size of a …………..
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