Alphabet Chart
I call it as mother of all Charts:-). The very first chart introduced to the kids is the Alphabet Chart. So is there any better way to learn Alphabets using a colourful chart….?
Charts play an important role in child’s early learning process. When an information is organised, classified, sorted and presented in a desirable form to the kids, they will develop an interest towards it. This what exactly the chart does.
Chart should be high visible to the child. So that they can refer and identify each items in the chart
- First you point and read each items in the chart.
- Later ask your child to repeat it as you read .
- Give importance to your pronunciation, ensure that you pronounce the word correctly, because your child follows you, and any wrong pronunciation at the initial stage is difficult the correct later .
- You can ask them to identify each item when you read.
- You can relate the chart items to real things. Like in this post the chart is about Alphabets, so when you use or see any item in our day to day activities like…
Apples?, Ant ?for A
Banana?, Ball⚽ for B
Cat? , Corn? for C…..
Finally a child can remember only when its repeated many times, so revise with you child as much as you can. But do it in a playful and enjoyable way.
Come lets learn Alphabets with Active Ant?

Click the below link to download the Alphabets Chart in PDF